A letter boy name, Baby boy names start with A, Hindu boy name A letter

Baby boy names start with A

Choosing the hindu boy name with A letter, for your newborn boy child can be a challenge. To make the process a little easier, we’ve compiled this list of the best baby boy names that start with A. Modern hindu baby boy names starting with letter A. Indian boy names starting with A English baby boy names starting with A. “A” letter names for boy in India. See also Baby girl names start with A.

Check the baby names list region, religion wise.

Best hindu names that start with “A” Letter

AabheerHindu / HindiA cow herd
AadarshHindu / HindiIt is a variant of Adarsh and means ‘ideal’ or ‘perfect’
AadavHindu / HindiIt is a Hindu name that implies the sun
AadavanHindu / HindiIn Sanskrit, it means ‘the sun’. It is also the name of Vishnu
AadeshHindu / HindiIt is a hindi word meaning instruction or guideline
AadhanHindu / HindiBe first
AadheshHindu / Hindi,


It means a ‘command’ or an ‘order’
AadhikHindu / HindiThe greater
AadhikesavHindu / HindiIt is used to imply Lord Vishnu
AadhinathHindu / HindiIt means ‘˜first’
AadhiraHindu / HindiMoon
AadhithHindu / HindiIt means ‘first’
AadhunikHindu / HindiIt means new or latest
AadiHindu / HindiIn Sanskrit,the name means ‘the beginning’ ,’the first’ or most important
AadidevHindu / HindiThe first god
AadimoolanHindu / HindiBeing Extreme, Dominant or supreme
AadinadhHindu / HindiIt is used to imply Lord Vishnu
AadinathHindu / HindiThe first god
AadinathanHindu / HindiThe one who serves the first creator
AadiptaHindu / HindiSanskrit meaning Blazing up, Set on fire, splendid, brilliant etc…
AadirHindu / HindiOrigin, beginning
AadishHindu / HindiIt means wise or intellgent
AaditHindu / HindiIn Sanskrit, it means ‘peak’ ‘first’, ‘lord of the Sun’
AaditeyHindu / HindiRelating to God of sun, Son of Aditi; Crown flower plant
AaditeyaHindu / HindiSon of aditi
AadvayHindu / HindiAadvay means unique or one of a kind
AadvikHindu / HindiIn Sanskrit, it means ‘Unique’, ‘Unusual’ or ‘Different’
AagamHindu / HindiComing, arrival
AaghoshHindu / HindiAaghosh means to embrace
AagneyHindu / HindiSon of fire
AagneyaHindu / HindiSon of the fire
AahanHindu / HindiIn Sanskrit, it means ‘sunrise or dawn’, ‘first ray of light’.
AahishHindu / HindiBlessing of God
AahlaadHindu / HindiDelight
AahvaHindu / HindiBeloved
AahvanHindu / HindiCall out to someone
AakaarHindu / HindiShape
AakaashHindu / HindiSky
AakarHindu / HindiShape
AakarshanHindu / HindiAttraction
AakashHindu / HindiUpper Sky
AalapHindu / HindiPrelude to a raga
AalokHindu / HindiIn Sanskrit, it means ‘enlightenment or light of divinity’.
AamilHindu / HindiOne who is invaluable
AamodHindu / HindiPleasure
AananHindu / HindiAanan means appearance of a person
AanandHindu / HindiJoy
AanandswarupHindu / HindiFull of joy
AananthanHindu / Hindia boy who is happy and shares happiness with all
AanavHindu / HindiThe name means ‘humane’, ‘generous’ in Sanskrit.
AandaleebHindu / HindiThe bulbul bird
AanjaneyaHindu / HindiSon of anjani
AanjayHindu / HindiUnconquerable or one who cannot be defeated
AaptHindu / HindiTrustworthy
AaraadhakHindu / HindiWorshipper
AaranyanHindu / HindiLush like a forest
AaravHindu / HindiAarav comes from a Sanskrit word meaning ‘peaceful and calm’. In Hindi, the name means ‘high regard’.
AardikHindu / Hindithe person who is affectionate to his fellowmen
AarhantHindu / HindiProtector from enemies
AarinHindu / HindiIn Hebrew, it means ‘mountain strength’.
AaritHindu / HindiThe name of Sanskrit origin means ‘one who seeks the right direction’, ‘beloved’, ‘friend’, ‘honored’.
AarivHindu / HindiThe name means ‘wise, full of wisdom’.
AarnavHindu / HindiOne who comes from the sea
AarodeepHindu / Hindi
AarohaHindu / HindiIt is a Hindu name that means, ‘ever rising’
AaromalHindu / Hindi
AarpitHindu / HindiTo donate
AarshHindu / Hindi
AarshabhHindu / HindiAnother name of Lord Sri Krishna
AarthHindu / HindiMeaning
AarulHindu / HindiThe name means ‘blessed person’, ‘grace of God’ and ‘brilliant’.
AarushHindu / HindiFirst winter sun’s rays
AaryanHindu / HindiHonourable, Devoted, Noble, Gentleman-like
AashadharHindu / HindiA hopeful person
AashankHindu / Hindi
AashayHindu / Hindi
AashishHindu / HindiBlessing
AashmanHindu / HindiSon of the sun
AashutoshHindu / HindiWho is easily pleased
AastikHindu / HindiWho has faith in god
AatishHindu / HindiExplosive,a dynamic person
AatmajHindu / HindiSon
AatreyaHindu / HindiName of a sage
AayanHindu / HindiBelonging to the solstice; also means ‘coming’ or ‘approaching’
AayuHindu / HindiSpan of life
AayushHindu / Hindi
AayushiHindu / Hindi
AayushmaanHindu / HindiWith long life
AbadhyaHindu / HindiAlways victorious; unopposed
AbeeshHindu / HindiWanted, desired
AbeeshtHindu / HindiDesired; Wish (wished for); Dear
AbenHindu / HindiAben
AbhaiveerHindu / HindiThe one who is brave an courageoous
AbhanjaHindu / HindiOne who has excellent speaking skills
AbhasHindu / HindiBrilliant, magnificent, shining
AbhatHindu / HindiSplendor; bright; hue; reflection
AbhayHindu / HindiFearless,Courageous, a son of dharma
AbhayanHindu / HindiA person who is valiant
AbhayanandaHindu / HindiDelighting in fearless
AbhayapradaHindu / HindiBestower of safety , another name for vishnu
AbhaydHindu / HindiFearless and brave
AbhaysimhaHindu / HindiOne who is as brave as a lion
AbheekHindu / HindiFearless
AbheyHindu / HindiAbhey means fearless or brave
AbhiHindu / HindiFearless
AbhibhavaHindu / HindiOverpowering , powerful , victorious
AbhicandraHindu / HindiWith a moon like face , one of the seven manus of the svetambara jain sect
AbhidiHindu / HindiRadiant
AbhigyaanHindu / HindiOne who is very wise and full of wisdom
AbhihitaHindu / HindiExpression , word , name
AbhijaatHindu / HindiWell born
AbhijatHindu / HindiNoble , wise
AbhijayHindu / HindiVictorious
AbhijayaHindu / HindiConquest , complete victory
AbhijeetHindu / HindiVariation: abhijit
AbhijiHindu / HindiThe person who is victorious and undefeated
AbhijitHindu / HindiVictorious, The one who overcomes completely
AbhijithHindu / HindiOne who is victorious; 8th Muhurat of the day;
AbhijunHindu / HindiExpert, skilled
AbhijvalaHindu / HindiBlazing forth
AbhikHindu / HindiThe name comes from Sanskrit meaning ‘fearless’.
AbhikamaHindu / HindiCompassion; desire
AbhikanshHindu / HindiDesire, wish, longing
AbhilashHindu / HindiDesire
AbhimHindu / HindiAnother name of Lord Vishnu; conqueror of fear
AbhimandHindu / HindiGladdening
AbhimaniHindu / HindiFull of pride , another name for agni as the eldest son of brahma
AbhimanyuHindu / HindiSon of arjuna
AbhimanyusutaHindu / HindiSon or abhimanyu
AbhimodaHindu / HindiJoy , delight
AbhinHindu / HindiDifferent
AbhinabhasHindu / HindiRenowned , famous
AbhinandHindu / HindiTo congratulate or appreciate
AbhinandaHindu / HindiTo rejoice , to celebrate , to praise , to bless , delight
AbhinandanHindu / HindiCongratulation
AbhinandanaHindu / HindiFelicitous , delighting , welcoming
AbhinathaHindu / HindiLord of desires , another name for kama
AbhinavHindu / HindiNovel; young; fresh
AbhinavaHindu / HindiNew , young , fresh , modern , a sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment
AbhinavinHindu / HindiNew; innovation
AbhinayHindu / HindiExpression
AbhineetHindu / HindiPerfect
AbhinitHindu / HindiActed
AbhiniveshHindu / HindiDesire
AbhirHindu / Hindi
AbhiraamHindu / HindiPleasing
AbhirajHindu / HindiFearless king
AbhirakshHindu / HindiThe one who safeguards
AbhirakshitHindu / HindiThe one who is protected
AbhiramHindu / HindiThe Lord Shiva; joyous; beautiful
AbhirathHindu / HindiGreat charioteer
AbhiruHindu / HindiThe Lord Shiva, courageous, bold, mighty, strong
AbhirucHindu / HindiThe sun
AbhiruchirHindu / HindiVery good-looking; splendid; pleasing to the eyes
AbhirupHindu / HindiHandsome
AbhisarHindu / HindiCompanion
AbhisekHindu / Hindi
AbhishekHindu / HindiAn auspicious bath for a deity;anointing; devoted; the coronation of the king
AbhishiktHindu / HindiThe devoted; enthroned
AbhishikthHindu / HindiAbhishikth means annointed or appointed
AbhisokaHindu / HindiPassionate , loving
AbhisumatHindu / HindiRadiant , another name of sun
AbhisyantaHindu / HindiSplendid , a son of kuru and vahini
AbhivaadanHindu / HindiGreeting
AbhivachanHindu / HindiGood word
AbhivanthHindu / HindiRoyal salute
AbhiviraHindu / HindiSurrounded by heroes , a commander