Months Name in Hindi

Months Name in HindiMonths Name in Hindi

Months are part of a yearly calendar. There are 12 months in a year. You will know the months name in hindi in this article. Months names in English and Hindi – महीनो के नाम। 12 Months of the year in hindi.

Know Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 – हिन्दी गिनती. 

Friends here I am going to tell you all 12 months name in Hindi to English or English to Hindi of English calendar and Hindu calendar. Months name in hindi Chart.

months in hindimonths in hindi

Months in Hindi (महीनो के नाम)

12 Months Name Of Year In Hindi-English. Here is the complete list of month’s names in English  to Hindi according to the English calendar. months name in hindi and english.

Hindu calendar months name in hindi. January is the first month of hindu calendar. november in hindi month. october month in hindi. august month in hindi. april month in hindi.

Sr. No. Months In English Months In Hindi
1st January जनवरी
2nd February फरवरी
3rd March मार्च
4th April अप्रैल
5th May मई
6th June जून
7th July जुलाई
8th August अगस्त
9th September सितम्बर
10th October अक्टूबर
11th November नवम्बर
12th December दिसम्बर
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Vinay Kumar: