Important tips to pass Microsoft certification exams


Earning a Microsoft certification has become a necessary Microsoft training in today’s technical world. It reveals that you are keeping pace with growing techniques and the technical job requirements. If you are thinking to have Microsoft training/Microsoft courses, then you should be aware of the job roles like developer, administrator, solution architect, data engineer, data scientist, AI engineer, functional consultant and then accordingly plan for Microsoft certification that suits you.

Microsoft offers training in many technical job roles, and each of the Microsoft course comprises clearing a series of exams to have Microsoft certification. The certifications are broadly classified into three modes as follows:

  1. Fundamentals’ certifications
  2. Role-based certifications
  3. Additional certifications

Fundamentals’ certifications

It is recommended for beginners. This certification is ideal for those who are just starters in technology or if they want a career change. 

Role-based certifications

These Microsoft certifications are specific for the specific job roles. For example, there is Azure Developer Associate certification for the developer job role.

Additional certifications

This additional certification includes specialty like Microsoft Certified Educator, Microsoft Office technical certifications, etc.

Moreover, Microsoft also offered the business intelligence courses like Microsoft Azure Business Intelligence Certifications.

Why do you need to have Microsoft certification?

The name Microsoft stands out when you think of pursuing a technical career besides having other areas of study. Microsoft certification certifies your core technical skills, specific tools, and required applications. Other benefits include:

  • Microsoft certified professionals are hired frequently.
  • Have good knowledge and understanding of techniques which often lead to higher productivity.
  • The average annual earning is around $80,000.

Tips for passing Microsoft certifications

All Microsoft certifications are in demand but passing Microsoft exams is quite tricky because they are pretty rigorous, even for experts.

Therefore, a few tips are provided to have Microsoft certifications without fail.

Set up a Study Routine

Prepare a timetable for your study and give priority to your study time. Find out the time when there are minimum disturbances so that you can easily go through new material the best. 

Explore Topics Covered on the Exam

Microsoft takes very detailed exams. They are in-depth to the extent that even experienced individuals got failed. The pattern of questions they follow is to challenge your knowledge. Therefore, it’s not wise to just guess and hope for the best. Moreover, Microsoft publishes the exam descriptions for each exam and enlists their objectives. Additionally, each sub-objective also listed the set of skills on which you will be tested. Therefore, you are advised to explore this page as much as possible.

Figure out which skills will be there in the exam

Before registration for the Microsoft exam, you need to figure out whether your experience and skills are in the context of the content of the test it will cover. For this purpose, you can immediately check the Microsoft website, where they mention the set of skills for each exam. Microsoft offered three types of certifications: Fundamentals, Role-based, and Additional certifications, and accordingly, they mentioned the required skill set. For example, the skill set for one of the demanded courses, Microsoft Azure Developer Associate Certification, includes:

  • Develop Microsoft Azure compute solutions
  • Develop for Microsoft Azure storage
  • Implement Azure security
  • Supervise, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions
  • Make a connection & consume Azure services & third-party services

Make a strong baseline

Follow the old saying ‘practice makes a man perfect.’ So, try to do the practice of the exam to know where you stand. If your score was low on the practice test, don’t panic because it does not mean that you don’t know anything. It may be that you need to improve your test-taking skills. Moreover, it may also be possible that there are some elements of the technique that you have not mastered so, you need to add up those skills.

Find out your weaknesses

You need to repeatedly read the explanations of the correct answers to understand better and know where your understanding has flaws and leads you to fail the test. For example, are you reading the questions carefully, in haste, or not utilizing the elimination process? Therefore, to have the correct answers next time, it’s pretty essential to make notes to rectify your mistakes.

Two ways of practice  

Manage time for exam practice as well as for technique-hands-on-the-keyboard practice.

  • The practice of the exam: It is about preparing oneself for the testing procedure rather than knowing the material. It’s not easy every time to repeat the practice test, so alternately take the exam itself as the practice test, with no hope of clearing it on the first attempt. This way, you can manage your stress and understand how to crack the Microsoft certification exam.
  • The practice of the technique: Microsoft has expectations that you understand its product from inside and outside. Therefore, you need to spend time with the content of the official Microsoft curriculum with study guides. Moreover, you can register for an official Microsoft course with a certified trainer. If you do not have access to this official one, you can try with a free trial account.